Experiencing Homelessness?
If you are currently experiencing homelessness, please visit Flagstaff Shelter Services (individuals) or Catholic Charities (families). We can help you identify a housing solution by linking you to local resources.
How Front Door Works
1. To be eligible for the Front Door Program, you must currently be experiencing homelessness or are at imminent risk of becoming homeless.
2. Contact the Front Door Program at frontdoor@flagshelter.org to make an appointment or visit one of the two Front Door Program locations: Flagstaff Shelter Services or Catholic Charities
3. Complete the required forms/assessments with the help of a Front Door staff member. These are not waitlist forms or housing applications, but rather an initial assessment to help start the path to ending your homelessness.
4. Once you complete the necessary paperwork, you will be given next steps for your housing referral
Get The Help You Need
If you or someone you know is in need of emergency resources, please call 211 for information on shelters, food pantries and agencies related to your needs. Also be sure to check out the comprehensive area resource list.